For truly special wines, remarkable food is the perfect compliment! The sweetness of our Sauvignon Blanc will counter the spice from the dish and the acidity will cleanse and refresh your palate between bites! This recipe was provided to us for the February 2019 Anderson Valley White Wine Weekend by Jeff Reich, a retired chef and full-time food nut who is also part of the Foursight Eight High Wine Club.
1-pound Dungeness Crab meat
1/2 cup mayo, 1/4 cup cream cheese, 3 Tbls lime juice - blend in processor till smooth
6 Thai Dragon peppers - cut into paper-thin rounds
1 cup bean sprouts, roughly chopped
1/2 cup cilantro leaves, roughly chopped
1/2 cup Thai Basil leaves - chiffonade sliced
1/4 cup red bell pepper - sliced into 1" matchsticks
Fresh group pepper + salt to taste
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Step 1: Mix everything together.
Step 2: To serve as an appetizer, try fresh wonton chips! To serve for lunch slice a croissant and stuff with as much of the crab salad as guilt allows.